File Conversion XLSMHTML to XLSM

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Microsoft Excel MIME HTML Spreadsheet

Excel Open XML Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet

XLSM is a commonly used spreadsheet document created with Excel 2007 or later. XLSM files store data in cells organized in rows and columns. XLSM files can aslo contain spreadsheet macros. XLSM is based on Open XML format and uses ZIP compression, similar to XLSX file.

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After converting the file to the new format, you will be able to use other programs to support it. Keep in mind, however, that the XLSMHTML file after converting to XLSM may differ slightly from the original. The most important information should be kept, but if you want the file after conversion from XLSMHTML to XLSM to be the same, you have to do this carefully and choose the proper application from the list below.

There is no guarantee, of course, that the conversion will come up to all your expectations, but it will certainly help you. If, after all, the effect of converting XLSMHTML to XLSM does not meet your expectations, you can simply try to find on the Internet a different version of your file in XLSMHTML format, properly converted to a XLSM file by someone else. If this fails, use the information provided in the further part of the website.

Programs to convert XLSMHTML to XLSM:

Other possible XLSMHTML file conversions

If after converting the file XLSMHTML the desired result was not achieved, you can try to change the format of XLSMHTML file to other than XLSM. On our website you will find more information on the following conversion options

File Conversions from XLSMHTML extension to a different format

What can I also do?

Unfortunately, if after performing the two previously described steps (trying to find your XLSMHTML file converted by someone else, and the attempt to convert it to XLSM on your own) you still have a problem with your file, then there are only a few solutions left. You can once again try to find and install an application that can open the XLSMHTML file in its original format (without conversion to XLSM file). Such a solution will be difficult to implement, but it certainly will give the best result.

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