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DMP File Extension

Windows Memory Dump
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What is DMP file?

Dump files with the DMP extension are used within Windows as space for storing information after system malfunction.

Additional information about DMP files

DMP files are usually generated automatically when an error or malfunction of system occurs, in order to diagnose and eliminate the problem. DMP file is created also with the „ Savedump.exe” program, during first system initiation after a malfunction.

Files are usually named „Memory.dmp”, but one may encounter also a different form, which also informs about the date of file generation - „MiniMMDDYY-00.dmp” (M – month, D – day, Y - year, 0 – following number).

Types of memory dumps

There are 3 basic types of data dumps generated in Windows:

  • full memory dump – after being created, all content of memory is stored within DMP file – it may cover large portion of disc space. They can be delated after diagnosis and solving of a problem.
  • system kernel memory dump – only the memory of kernel is registered. Memory assigned to programs is being omitted while generating DMP files. Similarly like the full memory dump, it is stored in the %SystemRoot%\Memory.dmp directory, and overwritten if another malfunction occurs.
  • small memory dump – it weighs only 64 kB and contains only basic information: parameters of the STOP line, context of PRCB processor, process data and kernel context for the stopped ETHREAD thread, information on EPORCESS process, and on loaded drivers. It is stored in the %SystemRoot%\Minidump directory, and it is not being overwritten.

Programs which support DMP file extension

Files with DMP extension, just like any other file formats, can be found on any operating system. The files in question may be transferred to other devices, be it mobile or stationary, yet not all systems may be capable of properly handling such files.

Programs that support DMP file

Updated: 08/19/2023

How to open file with DMP extension?

Being unable to open files with DMP extension can be have various origins. On the bright side, the most encountered issues pertaining to Windows Memory Dump files aren’t complex. In most cases they can be addressed swiftly and effectively without assistance from a specialist. The following is a list of guidelines that will help you identify and solve file-related problems.

Step 1. Get the Windows Debug Tools

Install software to open DMP file Problems with opening and working with DMP files are most probably having to do with no proper software compatible with DMP files being present on your machine. The most obvious solution is to download and install Windows Debug Tools or one to the listed programs: Oracle Database, Microsoft Visual Studio. On the top of the page a list that contains all programs grouped based on operating systems supported can be found. The safest method of downloading Windows Debug Tools installed is by going to developer’s website () and downloading the software using provided links.

Step 2. Update Windows Debug Tools to the latest version

Update software that support file extension DMPYou still cannot access DMP files although Windows Debug Tools is installed on your system? Make sure that the software is up to date. Sometimes software developers introduce new formats in place of that already supports along with newer versions of their applications. If you have an older version of Windows Debug Tools installed, it may not support DMP format. The most recent version of Windows Debug Tools is backward compatible and can handle file formats supported by older versions of the software.

Step 3. Associate Windows Memory Dump files with Windows Debug Tools

If you have the latest version of Windows Debug Tools installed and the problem persists, select it as the default program to be used to manage DMP on your device. The method is quite simple and varies little across operating systems.

Associate software with DMP file on Windows

Change the default application in Windows

  • Right-click the DMP file and choose Open with option
  • Click Choose another app and then select More apps option
  • To finalize the process, select Look for another app on this PC entry and using the file explorer select the Windows Debug Tools installation folder. Confirm by checking Always use this app to open DMP files box and clicking OK button.
Associate software with DMP file on Mac

Change the default application in Mac OS

  • From the drop-down menu, accessed by clicking the file with DMP extension, select Information
  • Proceed to the Open with section. If its closed, click the title to access available options
  • From the list choose the appropriate program and confirm by clicking Change for all....
  • Finally, a This change will be applied to all files with DMP extension message should pop-up. Click Continue button in order to confirm your choice.

Step 4. Verify that the DMP is not faulty

You closely followed the steps listed in points 1-3, but the problem is still present? You should check whether the file is a proper DMP file. It is probable that the file is corrupted and thus cannot be accessed.

Check DMP file for viruses
1. The DMP may be infected with malware – make sure to scan it with an antivirus tool.

If the file is infected, the malware that resides in the DMP file hinders attempts to open it. Immediately scan the file using an antivirus tool or scan the whole system to ensure the whole system is safe. DMP file is infected with malware? Follow the steps suggested by your antivirus software.

2. Ensure the file with DMP extension is complete and error-free

If the DMP file was sent to you by someone else, ask this person to resend the file to you. The file might have been copied erroneously and the data lost integrity, which precludes from accessing the file. If the DMP file has been downloaded from the internet only partially, try to redownload it.

3. Check if the user that you are logged as has administrative privileges.

Some files require elevated access rights to open them. Switch to an account that has required privileges and try opening the Windows Memory Dump file again.

4. Make sure that the system has sufficient resources to run Windows Debug Tools

The operating systems may note enough free resources to run the application that support DMP files. Close all running programs and try opening the DMP file.

5. Ensure that you have the latest drivers and system updates and patches installed

Regularly updated system, drivers, and programs keep your computer secure. This may also prevent problems with Windows Memory Dump files. Outdated drivers or software may have caused the inability to use a peripheral device needed to handle DMP files.

Do you want to help?

If you have additional information about the DMP file, we will be grateful if you share it with our users. To do this, use the form here and send us your information on DMP file.

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